The Skyler White Effect and the Much Maligned Mothers of TV

Hello Nerdlings! Breaking Bad is back for the conclusion of its final season, and in fact, your own AngryNerdGirl is recapping it over on TrashTalkTv (formerly TvGasm). As excited as I have been for the show to come back on the air, I’ve also been dreading the inevitable Skyler White bashing. How one of the few characters on the show who has never sold drugs, killed anyone, stolen anything, or even been arrested has come to be one of the most hated characters on television is beyond me.

Skyler White bitch

The vitriol coming Skyler White’s way may be more intense than with other tv characters, but it is by no means new. Antiheros have been populating American television more and more in the past decade, and no one is riper for hatred than their wives. Betty Draper. Megan Draper. Catelyn Stark. Lori Grimes. Carmela Soprano*. Why do we hate them? The easy answer: because they’re annoying. Maybe they cheated on their husband. Maybe they’re a bad mother. Maybe the viewers are just misogynists. The real reason, however, is because they dared to get in the protagonist’s way. Continue reading

What Is Feminism?

Let’s talk about feminism.  What is it?

According to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary, it has two non-medical definitions:

1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

2: organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests

Look at that #1 definition.  Equality of the sexes. Nowhere does it list misandry, man-bashing, or the destruction of family.  So guess what?  If you believe in political, economic, and social equality that crosses sex and gender lines, congratulations!  You are a feminist!  Wait, don’t run away!  Did I make you uncomfortable just now?  Why is that?  Do you associate the term feminist with “feminazi?”  Are you afraid of being seen as an activist?  Causing a fuss?    Well guess what?  Activism is NOT a part of the primary definition.  Of course, we appreciate activism, but being a feminist doesn’t mean you have to go to marches, get abortions, burn your bra, or practice kicking men in the testes.  I can honestly say I have never done any of those things, and I run a feminist blog.

feminist poster copyNot exactly

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Star Trek, Stephen Moffat, and Women in Sci-Fi

Sometimes, being a nerd girl is stressful.  Yesterday, I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness and there was so much I loved.  I wanted to write a stellar review of it and post it here, but something was stopping me.  In writing down my notes, I realized that there was also a lot that was upsetting me about the movie.  As you may have noticed, when I get upset, I dwell.  I research.  This time, it took me from Star Trek to Sherlock via Benedict Cumberbatch, and from there to Doctor Who, via Stephen Moffat.  What do these fun and fantastic things all have in common besides my love?  Unfortunately, a horrifying treatment of women and prime examples of a misogynist male gaze in tv/film.

If you haven’t seen STID, Doctor Who, or Sherlock, be aware that this entire article contains SPOILERS.

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Breasts: They’re Not Our Own Anymore

Hello nerdlings!  I am so sorry that this took forever to write.  This month has been really intense.  Lately, I have had so many articles about breasts showing up in my newsfeeds that it almost feels like the summer of the Superbowl Nip Slip again.  Once again, it all boils down to the idea that women’s bodies are not their own.  They belong to the public, to be consumed as society sees fit.

If any of you are friends with young mothers, you probably see a lot of articles about breast-feeding.  For it, against it, for it in public, against it in public, etc.  For whatever reasons, people have a lot to say about how women feed their babies and everyone seems to have an opinion on it.  Formula feed?  You’re lazy and your baby is going to die without your immunities!  Breast feed?  Better not do that in public, it’s pornographic!  Feed your baby well into toddlerhood?  You’re going to raise a pervert!  There’s really no way for a woman to win, but at least these arguments stay somewhat around the topic of what breasts are actually for.  Breasts exist to supply nutrition.  We are one of the only mammalian species to have “swollen” breasts when not pregnant or nursing (some scientists think it’s to encourage reproduction by basically making a butt on our chests!) but the point is, breasts are primarily for food.  Their function for pleasure is secondary. Continue reading

In the Meantime…

Hello Nerdlings!

I just wanted to let you know that your trusty AngryNerdGirl hasn’t abandoned you.  There has been a LOT going on the past few weeks regarding agency, women’s rights over their own bodies, and feminism in general.  I have so much to say, but have had so little time to write!  Just a quick update: I’m currently a little over halfway through training to be a medical advocate at Rape Victim Advocates (check them out, they’re amazing.)  Also, I’ve been recapping Scandal over at tvgasm and took a little trip out of town.  I have been a very busy lady!  Hopefully, I will get my thoughts out in a coherent order tomorrow and post something brilliant for you all.  In the meantime, however, I’ve been reading a lot about Disney’s newest feminist scandal regarding fellow curly-haired feminist Merida.  Being who I am, after getting over my initial outrage, I started to realize that Merida is extremely similar to another pop-culture hero.  Then I made pictures to prove it.  Guess who?  Nope, not Katniss Everdeen!

Hint: They share a love of badassery and a hatred of fancy dresses. Continue reading